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Treatment of the fifth nerve with radio-frequency

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Treatment of the fifth nerve with radio-frequency

Definition of Trigeminal Nerve:

The trigeminal nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves and has three main branches that provide sensation to the face. Trigeminal neuralgia is one of the most severe types of pain a patient can experience due to its intensity and severity. The trigeminal nerve can be affected in one of its branches, or inflammation can affect all three branches simultaneously.

Causes of Trigeminal Nerve Pain:

Trigeminal neuralgia can be categorized as either primary (without a known cause) or secondary (due to underlying issues such as pressure on the nerve nucleus, brain tumors, or nerve inflammation).

Symptoms of Trigeminal Nerve Inflammation:

Symptoms include facial pain, which can be localized to the nerve itself, affecting a specific area of the left or right side of the face, or it may occur along one of the three branches.

Facial pain resulting from trigeminal nerve inflammation usually occurs on one side of the face and does not typically affect both sides.

Non-Surgical Treatment Methods for Trigeminal Nerve:

Diagnosing trigeminal nerve inflammation poses a challenge, especially for dental professionals, as the pain may be mistaken for tooth-related issues. After tooth extraction, the pain may persist, prompting patients to consult a neurologist who can provide appropriate medication. Our center excels in pain management and can accurately diagnose trigeminal neuralgia from the start. We offer advanced non-surgical interventions, such as thermal radiofrequency ablation of the nerve nucleus, if the patient has exceeded the medicinal treatment stage. This technique targets the nerve nucleus at the skull base.

Advantages of Non-Surgical Trigeminal Nerve Pain Treatment:

Our non-surgical approach involves a minimally invasive procedure performed in an operation room, where no surgical incision is required. It is safe, easy, and straightforward, often lasting less than half an hour under local anesthesia. Patients can leave the hospital on the same day and resume their normal activities promptly.

Drawbacks of Thermal Radiofrequency Trigeminal Nerve Treatment:

Thermal radiofrequency ablation is considered one of the safest methods for treating the trigeminal nerve due to its precision and minimal risk of error, particularly when performed by Dr. Mohamed Koura, an expert in interventional pain management.